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AGI History

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AGI consistently sends students to English language education settings around the world. Our program is designed not only to teach English, but also to develop a confidence in our students that allows them to succeed. AGI students are unique in their ability to succeed abroad!

AGI 는 아이들을 더 큰 세계로 나아갈 인재로 육성합니다. 우리는 언어를 가르치는 것에서 그치지 않고, 성공으로 나아가는 자신감을 기를 수 있게 지도합니다. 아이들 각자의 개성이 담긴 능력을 계발하여 낯선 세상에서도 용기 있게 나아갈 수 있도록 이끕니다.

Messages from Parents Voice

"Jenny has made so many friends at her new school. Her scores have been great too. Thank you so much for your help!"

“My daughter attended AGI for three years. She loved the school and the teachers. She got great encouragement from her teachers and loves speaking English!”

“My children both loved AGI. The teachers were so positive and helped them through the challenging curriculum.”

“My daughter was very happy to be at AGI. The teachers and staff were always helpful. This school was a home for our family.”

“My son went to AGI from K6 to 2nd grade. We were so grateful that he was able to be at AGI for those years. He learned so much. He was completely prepared for school when we moved abroad!”